Monday, November 30, 2015

Mission Life ~ November 30, 2015


Well, things are going here. Last week you know how I said the computer was messed up?... Well, it messed up all of my usb and ipod and everything. So I lost like all of my fotos from September and all of my music I put on my ipod before I left for the mission. I lost Nearer my God to Thee by BYU Vocal Point which I have in my Google Play (Google account), all of my Marshall McDonald, Paul Cardall, Marshall McDonald with Steven Sharp Nielson, Lex de Azevedo, Dallyn Val Bayles, and so forth. So I was a little bummed... So in the coming weeks, if it isn´t too hard of a hastle... could you maybe send me those songs again por favor? :) If you send them in a zip file like the 4Ordained songs I think that will work great. When you sent them like that I could just download it as one big file (or a few big files). So when you have time that would be so super de duper awesome and nice. :D Maybe Bryce can help you with that. :) Now there are a few things I need to write before I forget, then I will answer your questions.
1 - Songs: Mary Did You Know? by Pentatonix (highest priority to least) ;) then Veni Veni by Piano Guys, then maybe you can ask Rachel Scott or someone for the songs from the Ogden Temple Celebration. That´s all for music right now. And other Christmas music you would like to send. :)

Actually that´s all I have to ask right now... so! Now to the next part! Your questions:

1. What is your ordinary day like?

1 - My ordinary day is like this: We wake up at either 6 or just before 6:30, exercise, study personally for an hour from 8 to 9, companionship study from 9 to 10, Additional study (first twelve weeks program) from 10 to 11, Language study from 11 to 12, then we leave the house and normally visit and teach 1 or 2 short lessons, we eat lunch at a restaurant at 1 everyday that we pay for at the beginning of the month, then from 2 to about 9 (depending on if we have time to visit someone else sometimes it´s like 8:45 or so) we visit and preach the gospel, then from 9 to 9:30 we plan for the next day, then from 9:30 to 10 ish we finish any other things like the area book and other forms, then we brush our teeth and get ready for bed and are in bed by 10:30.

2. What is your area like? Green? Suburbs? City?

2 - Well my area is like a bunch of concrete buildings of all shapes and forms everywhere with concrete and dirt roads going whichever direction. See if you can look at it in Google Maps. The city is called Sabana Larga.

3. Who can we pray for and fast for?

3 - Well, as missionaries, we can´t ask family or friends to do special fasts for people. But you can keep praying for and fasting for me and for this people according to your will. But as a missionary I can´t really ask. Thank you so much for your prayers and everything. I really feel them.

4. What is your favorite thing you have eaten?

4 - Well, I don´t know what is my favorite thing, but I really liike platanos fritos, when they are cooked right. Oh and we also had some chinese food a couple weeks ago and it was pretty good. Friday we had Subway again which was amazing! We had it because we had to take Elder Brunis to the doctor after interviews Friday in Barranquilla. The Juices are amazing though! They have a weird one though that is from a tomatoe from a tree. I don´t like it. it tastes like tomatoe. Even though Elder Brunis tells me it is different.

5. What is the worst thing you have eaten?

5 - Well, proabbly tomatoes haha. I haven´t really had anything terrible. Well, there is one thing that I didn´t eat that proabably would have been the worst thing. We can´t eat it in the mission, and it was in a soup we had. it is basically just skin of some animal. in squares like chicharron and soggy and gooey and everything nasty like.

6. Did you get your package?

6 - YESSSSS!!!!!!! :D :D :D (This means - big smily face)  I got it Saturday!!! It arrived in the offices this last week and the zone leaders called Wednesday night to tell us. I didn´t get it Friday because the Zone Leaders took it to their house, then we had zone meeting Saturday so I got it then. And thank you so much for everything!!!! The pictures are awesome!!!!  Oh, also I was hoping that you could send me refills for my Zebra pen. and maybe some more Zebra pens in my next package. Oh and for my next package I don´t need a shoe dryer. I think I will be ok. But about the sketch book, if you would like to send me a medium sketch book liike the one I was using before the mission that would be awesome! I don´t really have time to draw while out of the house so I think a small one won´t be needed. and with the little one I have it is hard to draw because it is tiny. so if you could send a medium one or medium big one or something that would be awesome!

7. Did you ask your mission president about his sons possibly serving in New Jersey and Melbourne Australia with Pops and Uncle Wil?

7 - Yes I did and he doesn´t know if he knows. He and sister Searle told me to ask for their first names. So if you know I can tell them to see if they know.

8. What do you eat for breakfast?

8 - mostly Frosted Flakes and Coco Pebbles :D it´s awesome! :D haha

9. How do you do your laundry?

9 - a sister here in the branch does them. but I dno´t like it too much because she doesn´t use bleach with the whites and it is expensive to have her do them. but we don´t know where else we can do it unless we do it ourselves.

10. Do you cook anything, or do you eat with someone (ward members/investigators) everyday?

10 - we only cook when we have pancakes for breakfast. We have a contract for lunch (restaurant) and for dinner at Hno Robertos house.

That´s all! :D

Monday, November 23, 2015

Missionary Growth


Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! I hope you guys have a great week celebrating it. We probably won`t be doing anything but oh well haha! I will remember it in my heart. ;) Anyways I am doing pretty good. In my weekly letter you can see what`s kinda been going on. I`m a little bit discouraged right now but I will keep working my hardest. Also, my ankle as I said in my weekly letter is practically all the way better. I have no idea what in the world happened. Anyways there are somethings I need to write so I don`t forget.
1 - I might be allergic a little to the aceteminophen because when I took the night time one the other night I woke up and had little blisters on my hands and the bottle says blisters are an allergic reaction. I have never had this happen before so I don`t know if I really am and I haven`t taken some since then.
2 - When I had my second sinus infection thingie, the Cetrizine didn`t really help at all. So I am hoping my packet gets here soon, hopefully this week actually. We have interviews with President so it might be there so I can get it.
3 - I was wondering if you could see if you can find some piano sheet music for Glorious by David Archuleta that you could email me so I can play it. :) I love that song. Oh and also maybe a copy of If You Could Hie to Kolob from the Hymn book. Not the arrangement.
4 - Could you possibly resend "Fum Fum Fum" by Mannheim and "Do You Hear What I Hear" by Mannheim or someone. They are a little glitchie even on my ipod. I don`t know what happened.
5 - Finally I was wondering about elections. Have they had them? I thought they were this year but maybe I have forgotten haha. I can hardly remember anything anymore. If they have had elections, who won? If it`s bad news don`t tell me. ;)

Ok that`s all for now haha. Thank you so much for everything mommy. The music and all. The music really helps set the spirit in the home when we are cleaning or getting ready for bed or excercising. So thank you. If you could keep sending some awesome Christmas music (not too crazy) by like Mannheim and Transiberian and whoever else. :)

So as I said this Friday we have interviews so I can ask President if his sons served there. (Morristown, New Jersey with Pops and Melbourne, Australia with Wil) That would be so legit if they did!

Well I love you so much and thank you for everything!!!

Elder Tyguy

¡Paz fuera!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mission Possible

Wow! I cannot believe you guys got to sit right in front of Elder Nelson!!!! I am sooooo jealous!! I´m sure Matt and Bryce are too haha. Sorry I was going to write like a half hour ago but the internet went down so I don´t have much time.... But things are going great! I think I got a bit of a sinus infection again... I don´t know how I keep getting them. But I had a fever Saturday and body aches. Now it´s just my throat that hurts. Everything else is good though. My toe is alright. I actually got the right side of the nail out and clipped it a bit so it wasn´t stabbing. The left side is a little swollen from trying to get it out so I have to wait a little... But thank you so much for everything! You are so awesome! You are the best momoo ever!!!

Love you tons!!!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

Monday, November 9, 2015

Two and a half months


¡Hola! I am doing superb! Actually, my toe isn´t fully better... I have been trying to take out the toe nail from the sides but it is not working very well... I think it´s just because my skin started to grow on the sides because there was no nail and now the nail is just pushing back to where it is supposed to be. I don´t know. It doesn´t hurt super bad and it´s almost grown all the way so we´ll see in a little if it will grow normal.

Wow, it is hard to think. It is hard to think in Spanish and English. I don´t know either language very well haha. ;) Actually, my Spanish is coming along quite well. I feel that I am learning very quickly and that I am only learning this quickly because of the help of the Spirit and the gift of tongues. there is still so much I need to practice and learn, but I feel that I am doing very well. It´s actually kind of interesting because almost every missionary that goes Spanish speaking has told me before the mission that the hardest thing was figuring out the break between words. But for me that isn´t really the problem. Sometimes it is because (especially here in the coast) people talk very lazily and have a funny accent so words kind of blur together. But most of the time the reason I don´t understand is when they use words I don´t know. I can understand practically everything (well if they talk somewhat clear haha). The thing I need to work on is speaking fast and still practicing the flipping conjugations haha. Especially the subjunctive conjugations... Other than that my Spanish is coming very well.

This work is going great! I am actually a little sad because we didn´t have our baptism this last week. We needed to get the permission from Hna Valentina´s dad, but he is a very hard Catholic and did not want her getting baptized. So all we can do now with her is be patient and keep praying that her dad´s heart will be softened. We will be having a baptism this week for sure though! His name is Hermano Roberto. He is so awesome! He progressed so quickly and whenever he had problems he took care of them quickly. He is just superb.

I can´t believe that I already have 2 and a half months here in the mission! It is so crazy! Time really flies so fast out here! Especially now as I have been starting to focus and find my purpose as a missionary. The work is going so well and I am loving this people so much. It is still very hot here even though it is almost Christmas time. I miss the cold. I miss snow. But oh well, can´t do nuttin' about it haha. ;)

Well, I have got to go now. I´m hoping we will have more time this afternoon to write. We are going to Barranquilla to go bowling as a district so we will be gone most of the day and so we were hoping to half a half hour to write in the morning and a half hour in the afternoon.

I love you so much and thank you for everything and for the music and to do! You are the best momoo ever! Oh! I had totally forgot that Robby was already leaving! I thought it was this next week. Tell his family hi and that I wish him the best! I will write to him real quick.

Love ya!

Elder Tyguy

¡Paz fuera!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween Birthday

Hola Everyone!

Wow! The time is flying by soooooo fast! I can´t believe I have been out for over 2 months! I am loving it here so much! The work is going well and this Saturday Elder Brunis and I will be having our first baptism here! :D I am so excited! It is going to be great!

Halloween here is a little different than normal. They celebrate with parties and stuff on Halloween and then the morning after they go trick or treating. It was really wierd walking out the apartment door Sunday morning with hundreds of niƱos running around and asking us for candy haha. Oh and also, Colombia is way worse than Utah with Christmas music and decorations. They had Christmas stuff up the morning of Halloween and Christmas (Spanish) music blaring everywhere! Haha. Oh that is actually something I have been wanting to say is that they blare music all the time from houses and in the streets. It is crazy.

Well, I will have to send pics next week. I love you all and hope all is well! Keep on keeping on!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~


How are you doing my very kind mother dear? :) How is school and work and things going? I heard you guys probably won´t be using the basketball hoop much now which is sad. Anyways, I have a quick question. What mission did Unca J serve in? Elder Brunis wants to know. And I can´t remember. Oh also, I found out that it takes 2 months about for mail to get here from Ecuador. So it could take 2 or more months for the package and mail to get here... :P I hope it´s not more than 2 months... Well, speaking of packages, with my next one i was wondering if you could send me my mission call lamenated like my patriarchal blessing. I think that would be something cool to have. oh also I want to say happy Birthday to Emy-Kate Clarke! I forgot to write that last week. Tell her I love her and say hi. And that she´s awesome! Sorry this is kind of jumpy. I am writing from bullet points I wrote throughout the week about things I needed to tell you.

Well, things here are going just swell. I am loving it. I am doing very well health wise and am working very hard. It was wierd on my b-day because I had totally forgotten it was even my birthday haha. Well until the 2 other elders in Sabana Larga brought a cake haha. Well a little before that, but oh well haha. ;) Anyways, actually I think the night of my birthday I was the most exhausted I have been since being out here. We walked so much! Because we had to pass all of the people we teach to remind them about church. It was rough, but good.

Well, I love you so much and thank you for all you do for me!

Love ya and until next week!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~