Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How to Prepare for a Mission ~ January 12, 2016

Hi Mommoo I am here. We didn´t get to write yesterday because the other elders were writing in the internet we normally use and the other was closed

Can you think of any neat stories to share?
What advice do you have for the young men and women in the ward regarding missionary work.
What struggles have you had to face?
What blessings do you see?
What has helped your testimony grow the most?
What has helped you stay focused on the work?
What struggles do you see that people are dealing with?
What is keeping the people away from the gospel?

Well something that has really stood out to me is the importance of the message of the Restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon. There is nothing more important to share than those two things because they contain all the things that are true in this Gospel and it says in Preach My Gospel. The Spirit and the Book of Mormon combined are the most powerful tools in conversion. In the members and in investigators. For the young men preparing for missions: study Preach my gospel NOW. Don´t just read it though. Take time to study it and put thought into it in how you can share it with others (family friends nonmembers etc) Study it at least 15 minutes a day. if not more. PMG contains so many amazing inspired words and thoughts. I wish I would have taken that time to study it more seriously because it is so important to learn the principles and doctrines of our Gospel. For the young men and women. always live virtuously. Always follow the standards in Strength for Youth. Read their patriarchal blessings often too because we receive strength spiritually and revelation every time we read it. Don´t take any thing about this Gospel for granted or as something non important. Attend church EVERY Sunday no matter what comes. Show your faith and desire to follow God and Christ through these actions.

If every member and investigator read the BoM every day, well we would see a different world. A world full of light, a world full of hope, a world full of love, and simply a world full of the desire to follow their Celestial Father.
I have grown this testimony only through the experiences that I have had for myself. No one can pray in the place of another. No one can read the Book of Mormon for another to receive testimony of it. 

We must each take the initiative in these actions ourselves, to learn for ourselves as did the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Well, that is what I would like to share right now. I will keep thinking of more things to share in the coming week.

I have a couple of things written down this week that I want to ask you :)
1. Maybe also in the USB you could send a couple of the Prince of Egypt songs like Deliver Us and some other good inspiring ones :)
2. How much do I have in my checking account with America First? I still haven´t used my debit card yet.
3. send the nice stretchy Bandaid brand bandaids with the package maybe. (not too necessary)
4. Maybe one pair of Corban garments, but this time with a small size shirt because the medium is super loose haha. I like it but I think a little tighter would be better. I actually really like the corban. They don´t sell them here in Colombia

Well, if you see my email before I leave that would be awesome in case you have more questions you can ask me.
Love you so much and thank you for everything you do!!!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

These two quotes are from President Howard W. Hunter: 2016 Priesthood/Relief Society Manual

"My message to you today is to "fear not, little flock." It is to encourage you to rejoice in the great blessings of life. It is to invite you to feel the great thrill of gospel living and our Father in Heaven's love. Life is wonderful, even in the hard times, and there is happiness, joy, and peace at stops all along the way, and endless portions of them at the end of the road."

"Please remember this one thing. If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and his restored gospel,nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and his teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right..."

Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Beginnings for 2016 ~ January 4, 2016


Well, things are going pretty well right now. We had transfers, but I´m still here in Sabana Larga with a new comp. Elder Aguirre from Lima Peru. It has been a little tough just because I don´t know him very well still... But we are still working hard here. As I said in my weekly letter, we found this new family that is pretty awesome! I am praying so hard that they will keep with it and attending church and progressing. We haven´t really had too much success here in Sabana Larga still. But we are still working our very hardest. 

I have a couple questions. Well, I think I lost my oil vile... I don´t know where it is and I don´t know where I can buy a new one... So I don´t know if you've already sent the package or not, but if you could send one that would be great. Also, do you have Sunni Bunni´s email? 

Well, that´s all my questions/statements haha. Umm... I don´t know what to say actually now. Things are great. I have really been trying to forget myself in this work. I am trying to put myself in the mode that, well, I am really just an instrument in the Lord´s hands right now. Other things shouldn´t matter to me right now in my service here. Even when I am tired, I am here to help others whom are more tired than me. 

Well, I love you so much! Thank you for everything! 

Elder Tyguy

Merry Christmas in Sabana Larga ~ December 28, 2015



Haha yeah that did actually make me a little sick... (Regarding Gracie getting her tonsils out and having a bit of difficulty in her recovery.) But I will keep praying for little Toots to get better real quick. Those pictures are so funny though! Baby Jacob is sooo big now! that´s so crazy! And J being a goof ball as normal. Hey you should tell him to email me because I miss hearing his jokes and insights.

Sorry I might be rambling a bit today because I have a lot to say. Anyways, yeah in the skype call we didn´t really talk about much. Sorry. Maybe we should write down questions and such to know what to talk about so we can talk about more. It was so good to see you guys though! And oh do I miss the snow!! I miss the cold! But oh well. in a little less than two years. Thank you so much for the Colombian Jersey and that totally legit Link statue!!! You will have to send me pictures of them so I can see them better. About the Jersey, I don´t think you need to send it. I can wait until I get home. I think it will be better too so it doesn´t get lost or ruined here in Colombia. 

About the package: I will be expecting it around Easter then. And if you haven´t sent it, could you put my other Called to Serve Journal in there? and Maybe an extra one or two? Because I am already more than half way through the one I have now and I only have 4 months out here. Concerning shirts and garments, I don´t need any right now. And I think I will be fine for a long while. My pants still fit fine. I have noticed that my light gray pants are longer than my other ones but they still work fine. It doesn´t matter too much. Socks I´m still ok as well. I don´t think any are close to having holes yet. The closest distribution center is in Bogotá so I don´t know. But like I said I don´t need any garments right now. 

Oh I forgot to tell you guys in the skype! The Barranquilla Temple ground breaking is February 20 next year!! And it will be finished in 2 years! So I´ll miss it by about 6 months... :( But that was some great news we got recently!

My favorite talk from conference.... hmm... that´s a hard one. I actually really liked Elder Holland´s talk. That was amazing! I will have to go through the Liahona and my conference notes and such to find which one. 

Yeah so here in Sabana Larga I´ve already given two talks in this branch. The first they told me right in the moment and it was like my third week in the field so it was a bit scary but it turned out fine. Then I had my other talk the Sunday before Christmas. It´s pretty easy actually to give a talk. Because I speak slow and the time keeps going haha. ;) No I don´t speak that slow. My Spanish has actually improved so much! I still have a lot to learn, but it is going great!

Time will sure go by so fast until our next call! Like you said, time has gone so fast. Yet things still seem so far away. Anyways, today I was going to do a little vlog thingie to send to you guys but I didn´t have time. So next week I will send a little video diary thing. If you guys want to send me a little short video that would be awesome too! That way I can hear your guyses voices. ;)

Well, I think that is it. I can´t remember anything else right now... Ah, yeah, I was wondering if you could send me the Live Like you Believe from Trek by Shaundra. I got the two other songs. And then also the temple celebration songs, and yeah. Oh and the Emma song about Emma Smith! ;)
Sorry I keep asking for music. I don´t want to keep asking.  Just when I think of an awesome song I ask you.
Love you tons! Thank you again for everything you do for me Mommoo!
Elder Tyguy Hales

Sudden Changes ~ December 22, 2015

Sorry I didn´t write yesterday. Elder Brunis has gone home as you will see in my weekly letter. But today I will try and write to the girls again and the bros. 

It´s the Archangel Michael. I don´t know why I drew him. Just one day I had a revelation in my head and thought it would be cool.

With the changes I am doing alright. It is a little tough. Right now we are still in Sabana Larga, but we three missionaries have the entire city of Sabana Larga as our area for the rest of this week until transfers next week. So yeah, lots of people. Crazy. But I will be ok. The Lord will help me. I am trying to learn how to love this work with everything I have. It is hard, but I know it will be worth it. Thank you for everything you do! I am so excited for Christmas!!!


I have a question. I have a song from Elder Brunis I was wondering if you or Bryce could convert to mp3. It´s so beautiful. It´s from one of the missionary presentations they give us in the CCM. Anyways, yeah, that and the song from Shaundra Cragun "Live Like You Believe", por favor. In the usb if you haven´t sent it or by email if you have.  Oh and maybe you can talk to Bryce about finding some peaceful appropriate Enya songs we can listen to. One an elder had in the CCM was "Pista" I believe. Another one I think would be awesome is "Adeamus" or something like that. Anyways, I love you so much and will talk to ya on Friday!!!! :j ( a smiley with a dimple as Emma says) haha