Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve ~ December 31, 2016

Hi Momooo! Wow it was so amazing to see you guys on Christmas!! :D I don't know why I get so emotional every time haha. I thought that by now I would be used to it haha. ;) After the call, and every other call we've had, it seemed like the time went soooo fast. Even with an hour instead of just 40 minutes. Also I felt like during the whole time my mind just went blank. Haha. I'm sorry. I seriously could not think of what to talk in the moment. But I am so glad that I was able to talk to you guys. I am so grateful for you all. I love you all so much and I hope that everything goes well as you start this new year!

So... Mission stories.

Yeah so first there is the story about the Jimenez family. Last year a few days ago, me and my companions found a family of a dad, and two sons sitting out on the porch. The dad was a big man carving some wood with a big knife and honestly looked very intimidating. But we talked to the family and shared our message with them. We were able to visit them several times after that and I remember the time we taught about the Restoration, I shared the part of the first vision and I remember the Spirit was so strong in the moment and I just felt that the whole family would be able to accept the gospel. The dad was the most interested and he brought his sons to church several times while I was there. We tried teaching the mom and other family members but they didn't accept as much. After I left Sabana Larga, and a few months later when I arrived here in the office (after my area in Arjona) I saw three baptismal records for Daniel, Gabriel, and Ramiro Jimenez. My heart in that moment as I realized who they were filled with so much joy! The three sons we had taught there with the dad were baptized. I then talked to the missionaries from there a couple of months after and they said that the mom and dad, and the three sons attended church every week. And that the parents got married and were preparing for baptism. I haven't heard much from them recently, but I pray that they may all have been baptized and are strong in the church.

Javier Marrugo from Arjona is the first baptism I had. He is from Arjona and he is the one that one fast and testimony Sunday he got up and shared his testimony and said he received his answer that this church is true. We then baptized him two weeks later after preparing him a bit. He had known the missionaries from 14 months earlier from the day he received his answer. And during all that time he didn't want to be baptized. But finally we baptized him. The last he wrote me a few months ago is that he had plans to go to the temple in November in Bogota to do baptisms. I haven't heard recently. He is 19 ( I think 20 now) and he has been the financial secretary of the ward in Arjona.

Those are a couple. Another from here in the office is that about a month ago, there was an elder here whose grandpa died. His grandpa had practically raised him all his life and so it was really had for him. I was the one who had to help him call his family and see how things were going in the house. It was a touching experience. AFter he was pretty sad and so I printed a copy of the Jesus Christ drawing I made on some nice special drawing paper. I wrote on it John 14:27 about "Peace I give unto you....." i don't remember how it goes in English. But it was neat. he thanked me with tears in his eyes and he said he was going to keep it safe and in a place where he would alwasy see it and remember it. Other than that I have had many experiences helping missionaries especially when they have problems a little bigger. Trying to comfort them and everything.

Yeah. Sorry I think that's pretty much all I can fit with the time I have.

I love you so much Mommoo! Thank you really for everything you have done and do for me! You are seriously the best. This next week I will really try to write beforehand because I have only written you and Bryce today. Say hi to everyone. And to Leon and Diane since they wrote me but I don't have time to respond.... Love you bye!

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

About the camera.... well I went to buy one today.... but guess what? the store that has some good ones was closed for New Years Eve.... :/ So I didn't buy one today... But I was thinking, it might be OK to send one in the package. I would be fine waiting a few weeks haha. But if you think it's more secure I could buy one here next week.

Speaking about the package. I don't know if you think i should buy some here, but I was thinking that maybe some shoe inserts to help with my heels would be nice. They get hurting sometimes especially after playing soccer for 2 hours on Saturdays with President. Some nice gushy firm ones. I don't know. What do you think?

Ok sounds good about the shoes. Thanks.

The camera sounds perfect. It doesn't have to be something fancy I don't think.

Ooooh yessssss Zap zit and Stridex pads. Neosporin might be nice too. I haven't had Stridex pads for like two months.... But I am now on the last scrapings of the zap zit. Ummm.... Oh i don't think I I will need more of Mucinex blue version. I still have the big entire box in my suitcase. Just the yellow green version would be needed. Actually in these past couple of days my nose and throat have been bothering me again.... I don't know if it's from the air conditioning in our room or what.

Ooh yes daily vitamins will be perfect too!

Ha oh dear mother. why only 225 pills? ;) Ok sounds good about the protein stuff too. Thank you so much!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Baptism and Christmas Eve ~ December 24, 2016

And... Worn out shoes!

Hi mommoo I'm here finallly..... sorry we had a little inconvenience but now I'm here writing with one hand because I'm eating a burger in the other haha ;)

We have a Christmas dinner with the stake president's parents at 6 after the baptism so I probably should not have eaten right now. (2:00 p.m.)

Haha I know right!? Doesn't feel like Christmas Eve at all! First of all we played soccer in the morning with President Gallego and the members from the stake at 6:00 am in the 11 vs 11 field like we do every Saturday. Then we all cleaned the house and then we had to go shopping because last week we couldn't buy gifts for our secret friends here. I have Elder Troche and I got him an Ewok keychain hahaha. And now we are getting ready for a baptism and so forth. So many things to do today. Actually I will probably have to leave at like 3:30 to go to the church because I will be baptizing the son of Felipe (the guy with the catheter) named Didier. So yeah..... I'm so sorry for not being able to write very much today. But it's ok because mañana we will be talking face to face for an hour! :D Yay!

I will be thinking about those questions then. Um.... I'm not sure if there is really anything or questions I have for you guys..... Um..... I just want to see the kitties too with the fam hahahaha ;) ;) I don't know, probably just to see how you all are doing and how things are going with school, work, etc. the home. Everyone and their married lives.... But seriously how have sooooooo many people gotten married in the past year and a little??? I just can't believe my little Colton The-is got married. ;)

Oh Elder Argyle haha, no I just took him with me to a doctors appointment with another missionary because if I left him he would have been alone in the office and there was a companionship of sisters.... and that just doesn't, and can't, happen in the mission. All of the other secretaries had left so I took him with me. I got to know him a bit. He said he's really good friends with Becca Bubbles and he said that Becca had left on her mission and then returned home... :( I had no idea. But yeah it was good to get to know him.

Ok, so tomorrow, at 5:00 it is right? 5 pm. I'm hoping there is internet here in the office because all this week we have been having problems.... It should be fine though. Um lets see here.

Oh! Another thing. So the digital camera has been having problems with the lens. And well this last week with the Christmas activities it officially doesn't work kind of. The lens doesn't come out on its own and it makes a grinding sound as it tries. To get it to go out I have to attach like tape on front to softly help it out as I turn it on. Also now it doesn't zoom..... I'm not sure what to do. That has partially been the reason why I haven't been sending fotos. OVer this time here in the office the lens has been getting gradually worse until now it doesn't even open.... What should I do?

Another thing. My Ecco shoes. So one of the shoes one day after walking I got in the house and looked at the bottom ( this was like 3-4 months ago) There was a HUGE hole in the bottom back heel part that appeared out of the nowhere. Seriously I think I must have stepped on a chunk of glass or something that sliced a chunk out of my shoe. So I was wondering if that qualifies for the guarantee thingie or not. I still use them and now the hole is getting lightly bigger. But seriously it just appeared out of the nowhere.

I think that's it. Um.... what else? Ah. About the package. Don't worry that it's late haha. I'm ok. I'm not too worried like a lot of missionaries are here. They call us everyday asking and asking and asking and sometimes yelling at us so they can get their package before Christmas! It's kind of crazy here in the office sometimes haha. ;) I can't remember anything else I need right now in the package. Hmmm. I'm sure I'll remember something and will have to tell you tomorrow or something haha.

Well I love you so much!!! Merry Christmas and say hi to everyone! See you tomorrow!!! :D


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Well got to go now to the baptism! Love you so much! Say hi to everyone and that I love them too! Talk to you tomorrow! See you, Love you, Bye! :D

OH thank you Mommoo! I will try it out.
And thanks with the baptism. I will try that with the camera too. Yeah it's kind of oldish now.
The size that it says on the shoe on the bottom is 43. Not sure in American terms what it would be. but, oh well.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

One More Week Until Christmas ~ December 17, 2016

One week till Christmas!! :D Wow, mind blown.

So this week has been pretty great. It was actually totally legit because on Wednesday we had the Christmas activity for the zones here in Barranquilla. There are about 80 90 ish missionaries here in these three zones. For the activity first we all took fotos with Santa hats with all the missionaries. Then there was a devotional by President and his family and it was super awesome. President Gallego talked about Joseph Smith, and shared some snippits of stories he had in his life and really what great of man and prophet he was. He then shared with us that when we testify of Joseph Smith, we must really shared what we KNOW to be true and not only say it to say it. It was really cool. After the devotional we had some sweet games that President organized from Minute to Win it. Haha it was so funny and awesome. My team unfortunately lost fairly quickly.... :/ But oh well it was still fun to watch haha. After the games we had a big lunch that kind of turned out.... well not as planned let's say. But the good thing is that it's only the people that organize those things, like us with President and Sister Gallego, that notice those details. ;) After the lunch we then had the Grand Show of Talents! Oh it was super funny! So all the districts in the zones had to make up a little skit or talent show and present it in 10 to 12 minutes. There were so many funny ones, but for time I can't describe them all. But... our show was totally legit!! ;) But seriously, we put a ton of planning into it all this last week. Our show was like a news program showing all the notices and going-ons of the mission. Every secretary did a part dealing with their responsibilities. I, acting as Doctor Hales, talked about the unusual rise of pacients with appendicitis (since we have had 5 missionaries in the past 4 months with it). But the man of the show was Elder Matos. He is so funny especially when acting and imitating people because he can do it so well! He was also the announcer for the whole talent show thing. He had a sweet bowtie on and honestly it was hilarious! When President gives us the fotos and videos of the show I will have to send them to you because it was so fun!

Now the best part is that we still have two more of these activities! On monday we are traveling to Cartagena to have the activity there on Tuesday with the zones there, and then on Thursday we have the activity in Santa Marta! It will be totally legit! With a new and improved news report! ;) Haha, President told us to add three more new notices in the show so we will be doing that in these days.

Apart from that, well we had a Grill party at President's house with the district and the assistants. Elder Pucha, being a pro chef cooked us all some beef, sausage, corn cobs, pork, and potatoes on the new grill we bought for the mission! It was sweet. And it's for that reason that I was late to writing today. But yeah, that's about it this week. I will keep you updated on this next week! Love you see you bye!


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Wow, there sure is a lot going on. My mind is running like a thousand miles per hour here. haha ;) So this next week is Christmas! So we still have the call at 5:00 pm here time 3:00 pm there time right? Just so I can program it firmly so my companions can't take my spot haha ;) No, we have to share the camera here in the office so we have to let everyone know the schedule.

Haha I love the pics of the concert! Wow the girlies are sure getting really big! I can't believe it! Emma is so tall now! Gracie is about the same ;) haha just kidding. I'm excited to be able to see you guys on Christmas. Haha actually yeah that was neat seeing that family yesterday. ONe of the sons had served in our ward a couple of years ago.

That makes me super happy for Colton. He's a stud. I miss him too. Is he going to be moving??

About Will's family I will still be praying for them. Last week I wrote Will, but he hasn't responded yet. I really miss and love that kid and just reading your letter was making me cry. His family is such a good family. Tell them that I love them so much!

Ok, so about the 25 day service thing. Honestly in these past few days I haven't been very good at fulfilling.... :/ I feel really bad. I need to repent and get on it because yeah, I just need to! I will tell you about some of the activities we have been able to do for this next week ok? Tell Pops good luck! I know he will do great! I know how he feels (a tiny bit) because I still get nervous when I have to teach in District meetings or in the meetings with all the new missionaries and the trainers, and in leadership councils.

Well I'm gonna try and write the rest of the yahoos real quick here. Love you bye!

Light the World Experiences:

On the 5th of December, decide to pray every day for dear ones, learn how you or a dear one can benefit from a priesthood blessing,. 7th, learn how to satisfy spiritual hunger by reading John 6:35, 8th, ask the Lord how you can be the answer to the prayers of another person, Think of a friend that is passing for some difficulties and pray for them, 13th learn how to laugh about yourself, think about the successes of another person today, share an experience when you have been mistaken,17th, don't forget to get in touch with your Mom! ;) Well these are just some small things that I have been able to do and they aren't all but what I can remember right now. Too bad I can't call you today! ;) Next week! :D​

Haha I haven't gained anything! I'm sure trying though! In the package, you should send a multivitamin or protein mix or something I don't know so I can you know, get a little bigger. ;)

Oh another thing.... I am not sure, but I heard that there is a way to pay Colombia customs before even sending pacakges and such so that they just arrive at the office instead of them sitting in customs for weeks and us having to pay an extra fee. Maybe that would be something good to look in...

Thanks for everything ! I will be writing Saturday and then calling Sunday! See you love you bye!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Light The World ~ December 10, 2016

Videos are compliments of Kody Brooks who was visiting the Barranquilla, Colombia mission.  They were attending the Ward Christmas Party and Tyler was there with them.  I love these tender mercies.

Buenas buenas! Mis amiguitos!

This week we had transfers once again. A lot of awesome missionaries finished their mission this week, one of them being Elder Carreon, my Mexican companion from here in the office a couple of transfers ago...:( That was really sad. A lot of new great missionaries got here so that's great.

Not a whole lot has happened other than that this week. We have been doing the LIGHTtheWORLD activities as well and it has really been a neat experience to reflect even more on the things that Jesus did and how we can show that light and example to others so that they can pass it on.

Oh, this week I also saw Elder Baque once again! And my companions for this transfer are Elder Pucha, again!, and Elder Matos. Elder Troche is with Elder Bustos. We are doing well and are excited to keep on keeping on here! I will start sending fotos of what we do for the activities in these weeks! Christmas time is the best time of the year!

Love you all! Ciao!


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Wow I miss the snow a whole lot right now. Today as we were playing soccer this morning, the sun was blazing so hot in my face. I just wanted to fall on the ground and cry haha. But that's kind of funny about the elementary students haha. I remember how the kids always wanted to slide on the ice... I was one of them... hahaha ;) just sometimes. ;) Yes I got to see the devotional in the mission home with President and his family. It was so legit! I can't believe Christmas is already so soon! I can't believe that a year ago I was in Sabana Larga! It never crossed my mind that I would be here in this part of Barranquilla at this time, even less to be in the office! You guys will have to show me that song and the church video when I get home. They sound pretty sweet.

This week with the services it has been a cool experience. I've been able to reflect on Christ's acts and miracles that He worked while he was here, and how even the simplest acts of kindness we do every day can help others see His example and desire to follow him. Something kind of fun we have done this week is leaving little treats for the door guards of our new apartment building. We have left them like little chocolates and stuff and now they are quite good friends of us and every morning and night when we leave and enter the building they say "The Elders! What's happening? How's it going?" All in spanish but yeah. ;) I will let you know more about these next weeks and what we do.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Merry Christmas #LiightTheWorld ~ December 3, 2016

Merry December and Happy Preparation for Christmas!

December Third: Jesus helped the blind to see, and so can you!
I love this whole initiative that the church has launched this year! So far it has been such a neat experience to be thinking more on how to really serve as Christ served. There are really so many small things that we can do to do just as He did. On Tuesday Elder Bustos and I and President gave the instructions for the iniciative to all the zones here in Barranquilla. That was a cool experience.

On December 1 it was the first day of the initiative and guess what? One of the activities is to help someone move! And we were moving! It was a fun activity for us to do this week, and probably the biggest thing we have had happen this week. But to make it even more awesome is that our new apartment is totally legit! It's on the tenth floor with lots of light from windows and it's not humid like our apartment has been that we have been living in. There are three bathrooms with showers and one half bath and then a service bathroom with a shower as well, a super awesome kitchen with an island and black marble counters! (not sure if it's really marble... it's some kind of rock) But,... the best part is.... something that I have almost forgotten existed..... HOT WATER! Oh yeah! Legit! I about cried my first hot shower on Thursday. ;) The house has been absolutely marvelous! Not to mention it has air conditioning in the main room and then in all the bed rooms as well! This week I think we got a little spoiled, but I am so grateful this apartment showed up. We have been looking for like the past 3 months.

Well, I think that's about it. I will keep you all updated on what's going on this week with the activities of service everyday. Make sure to keep doing them! I love you all and Merry Christmas!

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Aw yeah haha I felt bad too because I wanted to send it but we have P-day today so I sent it now. I was going to write a poem but didn't have time to think it all up. Maybe for next week ;)

I think 5:00 here time would be perfect! So yeah just so you remember as well that this time we have an hour to talk! :D so from 5 to 6! That will be a perfect time I think. I'm still not sure how our church services are going to be. If they will be all normal or if they will do just the one meeting thing. We'll see.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving and the beginning of Navidad ~ November 26, 2019


And the beginning of the new Christmas time!

Thanksgiving was amazing this week! I actually got to celebrate it here in the office! Last year in Sabana Larga we couldn't do anything, but oh well haha. We went to the Mission Home to eat a big Turkey dinner with President and the family and with the north american missionaries and their companions from our zone here in Barranquilla. It was a really special experience and fun to be able to celebrate it even though I believe I ate a lot less this year than I ever have. ;)

So wow this week has been so amazing! I am honestly and truly so excited for this whole season of gratitude and of remembering Christ. I don't know if you all have seen the new video for Christmas this year in Oh it is SOOO amazing! The song is very beautiful as well! ;) It would be cool if like Craig Kaelin could transcribe it on sheet music to play or something! ;) It is amazing! Oh but the best part is what we are going to be having the opportunity to do in this month of December! Days of service everyday until Christmas! Here in the mission we are going to be doing it as well and we are so pumped about it here in the office because all the rest of the missionaries don't know yet! hee hee ;) On monday President is going to talk to us and give us instructions, to the secretaries, and then on tuesday each of us are going to be traveling to the other cities/zones in the mission to give the instructions to the missionaries! It will be so legit! Elder Pucha is going to Cartagena with one of the Assistants, Elder De La Cruz. Elder Troche is going to Santa Marta with another Assistant, Elder Piedra. Elder Matos and Elder Hansen and the other Assistant Elder Permenter are going to Valledupar. And then Elder Bustos, President, and I are going to give the instructions here in Barranquilla to the zones here. It will be such a neat experience and really I want to invite each of you that you can do the activities every day in this month of December. I know that if we do the Spirit of Christ will truly and surely dwell within our hearts even more than ever before. He lives and this time especially is for Him and to give back to Him for all that He has given us.

Well that is all my friends and family. I love you all so much! happy thanksgiving to all and a Merry Christmas season!

But it's ok about last week! DOn't worry a bit! I'm glad you got to go to that event. I'm sorry you and Bryce have been a little under the weather.... Thanksgiving here was great! We went to the Mission Home for dinner with Turkey and everything with President and the family and with the north american missionaries in our zone here in Barranquilla. It was fun, but I think I ate the least amount I ever have in my life for Thanksgiving.

Um well I think I will write my weekly letter now. I'm gonna send some fun fotos of my new lego set as well. ;) But those fotos probably shouldn't go to the whole world to see hahaha ;)

Love you!


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Yeah so President asked me at lunch yesterday how much time I had in the office and I said more than 6 months acting like it was a lot of time and President said "Oh! You've still got at least 3 more months!" So who knows... We'll see about that too haha ;)

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Changes ~ November 19,2016

Wow! Another week... time.... How...?...flying.... time goes fast. Sorry I just wanted to resume that whole first part that I think I put every time I write haha. ;) I think everyone got the just of it.

So this week has been interesting! Monday I stayed in because I got hit with a second blast by the flu and also Elder Hansen was sick with it too. We stayed in the apartment here below the office in our beds all day. Our companions brought us our food and we slept practically all day. We also watched all the church videos about the 12 steps of recovery. They are pretty intense. And inspiring. Probably not for children. Anyways, so that's what we did Monday.

Next was the crazy thing. All last week President was in Peru in a training for all the mission presidents of the northwest area of S. America. He got back at the first of this week and he shared with us a ton of new "adjustments" that the general authorities have sent for us to fulfill now in the world of missionary work. First thing, the missionaries noow don't do rescuing of less-actives or retaining new converts, that will be completely from the wards and the members. As it says in the missionary purpose, we are to invite people to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel, or in other words, we are to only focus on investigators and those people who DON'T have the gospel. Less-actives and converts already have it, and so the general authorities havea sent us to only find and baptize investigators. They set a goal for every companionship to find 20 new people every day, which is really hard. But what they taught us is that we must be focusing on families, so if we are finding like 4 or 5 families every day, it will be easier to find new investigators. We now have a new plan in setting the baptismal date and everything too and it will be intense to see how everything starts to play out as we begin finding so many people. We had another leadership council to be trained by President and everything and really it was awesome. There is a lot of work to do and our expectations have been and need to be set high. If we have high expectations and lots of love, we will see miracles in our missions and in our lives.

So yeah I think that's about all that has happened this week. All is well. I am feeling a lot better. I still have a tiny bit of a cough and sinus congestion, but I'm a lot better now.

I love you all. Until the next time.


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Hey Mommoo! I'm doing just dandy! :) I'm feeling a lot better. I never started with the antibiotics.... Right now I just have a little bit of a cough and a little bit of sinus congestion still, but it's almost better. Next time I will definitely be taking the anti-nephi-lehi's. ;)

But hey that is so awesome about that conference thing! You will have to share with me some parts of the talks. Maybe they'll make me cry too haha ;) Actually I haven't cried in quite a while. It has surprised me. I think it is from being here in the office. I really need to learn how to have more spiritual experiences here. I get sad sometimes here in the office because it's not what I was expecting my mission would be like. But it's not my decision. I just need to find how I must be serving with my best here.

I love you so much Mommoo! Take care of the family! Help them keep reading the scriptures together and praying together. Oh just to let you know as well about the skype call for Christmas! At what time do you guys want to do it? Also President has now given us permission to talk for an hour :)!!! So yay!

I love you so much! Oh and one more thing! Maybe ideas for Christmas or something idk ;) There is a sweet Lego set with Captain America without his helmet, Winter Soldier and Black Panther!!! I saw it today and it looks legit! I wanted to buy it but maybe it would be better not to here. ;) Just an idea.... or the set from the Avengers 2 with Capt!

Love you see you bye!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Parable of the Talents Put to Work ~ November 12, 2016

Hola a todos! Wow what a week! Once again, and again, and again, and again….. So to tell you all what happened this week I will just say this: The one missionary that is supposed to help other missionaries NOT get sick GOT sick!... :P There is a virus bug going around all the mission and I have not enjoyed it. On Monday I woke up with a little tiny bit of body aches, but I didn’t think anything of it, so we all went to play soccer with the zone at a little concrete field nearby the office. We played and went back home and when I went to take a shower….. BAM! Got sick! Yeah! Haha no… it wasn’t fun. I got a fever right before taking a shower and the chills and ohh so much pain in all my body. And you know what? There’s no hot water! Yeah! Oh best shower ever! I felt like – “Let’s do the Polar Bear every day!” (Scouting reference for those who don’t know) So basically all day Monday I slept on the couch in the office. It was Monday anyways, nobody calls sick on Monday. >> P day. So I slept and then after office hours I went down to the house and slept in my bed while my companion Elder Troche sat in the room reading the Friend and such. I felt miserable. So Tuesday came. I wake up and wow! I felt great! Almost perfect! I get ready go up to the office all day and then around 7:00 pm…. BAM again! Round Two! It was like when one recovers from a tackle in pro wrestling and then - rejected! R.K.O.! (Ask Chase, he showed me a youtube video before the mission about RKO haha) Nevertheless, we went out to a visit anyways. We helped a couple of members start indexing! But wow that night and the next morning… I was miserable once again. So then the fever and headache and body aches turned into sinuses out of control and coughing and a super sore throat. Until now I have a sore throat and a little bit of a cough. The nose thing is a little better. Now it’s not más o menos (mostly in my nose – according to Mom haha). ;) So yeah, that has basically been my week. Today for PDay we went first to Buenavista to shop and then we came here to the office and ate dominos pizza.

So apart from all that stuff, as district leader I get to prepare a district meeting every Friday and do a training, and that has been a pretty cool thing. Yesterday I trained about the Doctrine of Christ and Our Missionary Purpose and about the importance of the Baptismal invitation. I will just say that I have never been really that good at speaking, especially in front of a group of people, but I know that the Lord will help me as long as I do my best.

That’s all folks! Keep on pressing forward being what He wants you to be! I love you all and I know that He does as well. Never give in to the one who desires all to be miserable and sad. Choose today to be happy! Because happiness is already available, all the time!



~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Hola Mommoo! How are you?
Wow that's crazy to hear that it's still super warm there. Well relatively. We all would be dying here of cold if it was in the 60's. But oh well haha. ;) I don't ever have to use a jacket here so that's fine with me haha. ;)

Uyyyyyyyyy....... Don't tell me the results. I just know the Second Coming is here. The cook here in the office told us and me and Elder Hansen got all serious and, well I was already serious because I was sick, but I got even more serious. All we can do now is pray that the people will now wake up and see the big mistakes they are making and that they must turn from their pride just like the Nephites of old. But yeah, it's probably better that we don't talk about politics. I try not to take in any of the information I hear because I really don't want to talk about it with people here and other missionaries for that matter.

Ha! Wow! There's a new Tarzan?? Ha! Who even knew? ;) I didn't! I'm sure that when I get back I won't be able to see all of the movies that have come out in this past year in a life time because I'm sure there are literally a million that have come out! haha

Thought from Elder David A Bednar, We Believe in Being Chaste: "The Savior is often referred to as the Great Physician, and this title has both symbolic and literal significance....Consider sin as a spiritual wound that causes guilt or, as described by Alma to his son Corianton, "remorse of conscience" (Alma 42:18). Guilt is to our spirit what pain is to the body--a warning of danger and a protection from additional damage. From the Atonement of the Savior flows the soothing salve that can heal our spiritual wounds and remove guilt. However, this salve can only be applied through the principles of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and consistent obedience. The results of sincere repentance are peace of conscience, comfort, and spiritual healing and renewal." He then goes on referring that "Bishops are the physician's assistant, who are authorized to help you repent and heal."

Thanks for that thought by Elder Bednar. Actually, something that I have really been missing is the strong impressions of the Spirit here in the mission and even at home. Here in the office I think it's kind of like what it would be in normal life, (I'm stretching it really far I know, but bear with me) because all day instead of talking about and preaching the gospel we are doing office things and taking missionaries to the clinic and such. Sometimes I wonder what it is that Heavenly Father wants me to learn from this experience here in the office. It's a very stressful environment sometimes and especially this week since I have been sick I have been a bit on edge. A bit impatient I'll say, which is something that I haven't felt or seen me do in a long time, and I hope to keep improving that.

Well, thanks Mommoo for everything! Are you guys sending stuff soon that I should be aware of here? Because who knows how much longer I'll be here in the office. I have already been here 6 months now! Two days ago! Crazy!

Love you mommoo! See you, love you, bye!

Oh actually the other day I did exactly that with the Christ picture! I have some transparent drawing paper and I printed off a little copy of the drawing and gave it to a missionary whose grandpa died this week. His grandpa had practically raised him all his life and so it was really hard for him. He felt alone and worried for his family. I was the one who had to help him call his family and see how things were going in the house. I watched him as he spoke to his family. It was a touching experience. After he hung up, he was pretty sad and so I printed a copy of the Jesus Christ drawing I made on some nice special drawing paper. I wrote on it John 14:27, it reads: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." 

It was neat. he thanked me with tears in his eyes and he said he was going to keep it safe and in a place where he would always see it and remember it. Other than that I have had many experiences helping missionaries especially when they have problems a little bigger. I am doing my best in trying to comfort them and everything.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

🎃 ¡¡HALLOWEEN!! 🎃 ~ November 5, 2016

Hola everyone! Well yes this week was my birthday and yes it was great! A little different in the mission, but still great. The Gallego family gave me TONS of treats and candies to eat this week and wow have I enjoyed them haha. I think that's the best part about having your birthday on Halloween because you get double! Presents and candy! ;) President's son took a photo of me and some companions here in the office and put it on the facebook page for all you at home to see haha. Every once in a while President's family tells us about what our families or parents are commenting or putting on the facebook page haha. It's fun.

Well this week we had Leadership Council again! And the last one of the year because in December we don't have meetings. Other than when the new missionaries arrive and when we have all the fun Christmas games and such. It was really good. We did lots of practices, one of them about prayer and how to help investigators get in the sacred habit of praying and asking God, and another about teaching an investigador going through a big challenge (like a death or loss of a job) and in teaching them by the Spirit to comfort them. It was really cool. Something that made the practices so cool was that we mixed up the companionships with others of the zone leaders and such and got to teach another missionary. It was cool to see how even in the practices the Spirit was very strong and in having unity with another missionary that isn't your companion. It was cool.

So yeah I think that's about all that has happened this week! It was great. Fast. And well the beginning of a new month, and a very special month at that... the month of the Turkey!.... Oh I mean of Thanksgiving! haha. I love you all! Take care! Don't dream too much about Richard Parker! ;)
¡​Ciao ciao​ !

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Wow sounds like an awesome day! Tell Brie congratulations on her baptism! That is sooooooo awesome! Such a big step on to a long path of joy and happiness!
My birthday was great! Didn't feel like my birthday... again... but oh well! That's life! It was good. the Gallego family gave me TONS of candy and treats to eat. I still have quite a few. They gave me an oreo pie and sang to me in Spanish and English, with all the missionaries here in the office, and yeah! Haha actually it's President's son, Sebastian, who has been doing that. Maybe his daughter too, but I think it's more his son. He took the foto.
Say hi to everyone there too! I love them all!

Happy Halloween and a happy new week too to everyone there haha.

Today we found some Tide detergent for our washer in Price Smart, the store like Costco! I'm excited because it will be really good to get a really good wash with my clothes. The detergent we have always been using has been like the cheap kind that doesn't do a super clean.... Oh and just so you know I was able to get some new garments here in the office. They only had size M of the round neck shirts so they are a little big, but oh well! haha.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Zone Conference Continued...And another Week! ~ October 29, 2016

Wow.... are you going to guess what I'm going to say?... I'm sure you are! Wow! It's already been another week!? Haha. Yup it sure has.

Well, I wanted to continue about the Zone Conference we had last week and then talk a little about the experiences we had this week. So in the Zone Conference President and the Assistants trained a lot about how we as missionaries need to always be "walking with the Lord". All the things we do, when we are out teaching, alone with our companion, talking with other missionaries, etc. we must always keep ourselves in a righteous stance. Since President Gallego has gotten here he has really been focusing on encouraging the mission to be able to baptize every week. Because it is possible! We just need to have the faith sufficient to be able to reach it. President explained to us that if the missionaries aren't baptizing, then there must be something wrong between that relationship with us and the Lord and that we must refocus or consecrate ourselves. It was a pretty powerful training. We then talked about what we must do to find the investigators that have been prepared by the Lord, because the "field is white already to harvest." The "field" is already prepared, there are already the people that have been chosen and prepared to receive this Gospel. What we must do is find them. We then ended with a message about the Atonement and Missionary Work and I love the phrase that comes from one of President Eyring's talks about "Remember Him!" and that when we ever feel tired or that we can't go on, we must give ourselves that rallying cry "Remember Him!" It was powerful. We must leave behind our nets (things of the world) and follow Him.

Now this week was a little crazy again. Por qué? Porque it was transfers! AGAIN! Crazy I know. I feel like every other week I say it's "transfers again." So the new missionaries arrived and we got to eat in Rodizios again! Woohoo! Every transfer! ;) The cooked pineapple is the best. Anyways, so that happened with the new missionaries. We had some training with them on Wednesday and oh yeah I saw Elder Argyle! That was cool. He saw me when he arrived at President's house on Tuesday morning from the Bogotá MTC and he looked at me and asked: "You're Elder Hales? Does your mom work at the elementary school by Weber?" Haha. So he's here. He's actually in Galapa, so where my first zone was. Pretty cool. His trainer should be great. Let's see, apart from all that..... oh yeah! So Elder Carreon and Elder Salinas have now left the office, the new Housing Secretary is Elder Matos from Puerto Rico officially and the new History Secretary is Elder Troche from Bolivia! From my group in the MTC. Well the group that came to the mission with me! And now he's my companion! They changed a bit the companionships here in the office now. I'm with Elder Troche and Elder Pucha is now with Elder Matos. Elder Hansen is now training a new missionary to be the Executive Secretary, Elder Bustos from Colombia. He's pretty awesome. And what else.... oh yeah, so now that Elder Carreon has left the office, he was our district leader, President has called me as the new district leader of the office and the sisters in our ward. It has been and will be a great learning experience. A lot more responsibilities. I pray that I may learn the most from it.

Well that basically sums everything up this week! I love you all! Have a Happy HALLOWEEN!!! :D :D :D (The second best holiday, not because it's halloween but rather because it's my birthday. haha ;) and it's the second because Christmas is the best.)

See you, love you, bye!

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

It's going good. The battle is going well. Who's gonna be who? Did Bryce get his hair long enough to be Bucky Barnes?? ;) And is Matt gonna be Heman? hahaha ;) That would be funny. Yes they celebrate here. We actually went to the store today and they have all the decorations and such. And they have already all the decorations for Christmas too! Crazy! Yes we go out on Halloween to work. last year the day after Halloween in Sabana Llarga, all the kids went out in costumes and asked candy, but it's more crazy and disorganized here than it is there haha. Here in Barranquilla I'm not sure what it's like. Oh and here in the office we actually have a couple of decorations up. :)

Thank you so much momooo for the Birthday wish and really for all the love you have shown me. I just can't help it with these eyes of mine.... they are just too blue and big. hahahaha ;)

But wow that is so awesome about the violin for Emma that will be sweet! I'm glad she has been keeping up on it.

Also thanks mom for that spiritual thought you shared. It is something so important that we learn in this life to be able to understand that in whatever circumstance, the Lord and His Atonement helps. All we must do is apply it in our life and we will see the blessings and joy that comes from it.

That's great Elder Jorgensen could go yesterday as well. He is really an awesome guy. He was a great friend and help in Arjona. Elder Baque finally left Arjona with these transfers. He had like 8 months there! That's a long time. He is now here in Barranquilla in the area called Malambo. Elder Brunis ended his mission this week as well. That was sad. I gave him one of my new ties I bought. The blue striped shiny one.... I think that will be the only tie I will give away haha. you know me ;)

Well I love you so much Momoo! Thank you for everything. You are the absolute bestest mom in the whole wide world! Take care of the family!

See you love you bye!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Emotional and Spiritual Explosions ~ October 22, 2016

Hola a todos!

Wow this week once again..... ZIP!! Se fue! And this next week... ZIP se irá as well!
This week, as the title says, was full of emotional and spiritual explosions, as Matt would say. First thing, this week in the mission there were three missionaries that had appendicitis and well all were operated on. It surprised all of us. On Tuesday I had quite the adventure with Sebastian, President's son. After lunch Sebastian had a dentist appointment to fill a filling that had fallen out or something like that so Sister Gallego asked me to take him to his appointment. All turned out well. After that there was a sister missionary that had an appointment in the clinic Porto Azul, like the main clinic/hospital where we go for everything. So Sebastian and I went to the clinic to pay the doctor appointment for the sister and her companion. After that we all went to the room where one of the missionaries, as well a sister, that had the appendix operation and we had to talk to the nurses and doctors and stuff to kind of get some information about the operation they did. We waited there for a couple of hours until they gave the sister leave from the hospital. While all of that was going on, another missionary had called with extreme stomach pain and had come to the clinic to urgencies. The zone leaders that had come to accompany him called me and said the doctors were saying it looked like appendicitis. In that moment I was just like noooooooooooo. Like Luke when he finds out Darth.... yeah I'm sure you all know the story. So after the sister left we went down to urgencies and found the elder and the specialist there examining him. Sure enough... another appendicitis. (Just so you know the first appendicitis had already happened the Friday before, so this was the third) Anyways, so we were with him and then I had to leave with the companion of the elder with appendicitis to go and sign some papers because he was going to be the accompanier for the patient. 
During that, Sebastian had to go with the elder with appendicitis up to the floor of the operations and while they were going up Sebastian saw some terrifying stuff. Just so you know Sebastian is like me in terms of getting light headed and stuff when seeing blood or being in a clinic. Luckily he didn't pass out nor I. Anyways we were there in the clinic until about 10:15 and finally we got to go home because the zone leaders came to stay with the elders. It was quite an adventure. So yeah emotional explosion. 

The spiritual explosion was the Zone Conference we had about finding the chosen ones. It was super good. But for the time I can't tell it in detail. I love you all and wish the best for everyone!!!!! Ciao!
¡Paz fuera!

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla