Saturday, August 27, 2016

…..One year later in a galaxy far, far away….~August 27, 2016

…..One year later in a galaxy far, far away….

The Elder-Jedi Haleswalker continues his quest, guided by the Great Spirit, in a distant planet inhabited by an extremely large Coastal tribe. His quest: to bring the Light Side to all potential fighters of evil. Many have accepted, and many have rejected; nevertheless, Haleswalker searches for greater enlightenment to guide his path in bringing the message of eternal value. Thus we shall see what awaits the young journeyman as he approaches the next challenges to his quest.

As they say, time flies on wings of angels… or is it eagles? Or birds? Or bats? Man-bear-pigs? Not sure. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that time flies. Here we are already at the end of August with lots of things waiting ahead. In a year a lot can happen, as I will testify of that, and many times we may not even realize. The Gospel changes lives literally and completely. Something I have really been meditating is how we, as children of God, are able to apply the things we learn in order to become more and more like a being who is Celestially Perfect. We can’t understand it now, but truly, Jesus Christ and His Father have made it possible for us, whom were once intelligences, then spirits, and now human beings, to be able to become exactly like Them, glorified and resurrected beings. That is the promise They have given us if we do all we can to achieve it. I know that God and Jesus Christ live. They love us. And for that reason have given us this plan, to help us keep going on and trying to become perfect as they are. And for that reason we must share this message with everyone, so they too can receive that opportunity.

Well not much has happened this week. We are still learning how to help the people more with Family History. I have been able to learn a lot by studying about Family History and by using more the system in Family Search. The Spirit of Elijah has touched my heart and we hope that it touches the hearts of these great people.

That is all for today. Not much I know, but I am ready to keep pressing forward and in bettering myself every day to become more like my Savior who loves us so very much.

I love you all! Remember who you are and who you may become!

Here is a drawing of Him I did in these past couple of days.
¡Paz fuera!

~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Well to hurry and respond to some of your questions. :) Well now that I have completed a year.... I didn't do anything haha. Everyone asked me what I was going to do, but I don't see why it would be necessary to burn a shirt or tie. You know me. ;) I would never do that haha. It is super weird to think that I have a year now. It seems like I still only have like 9 months. But I had 9 months when I arrived at the office! Time is going so fast.

That's awesome about Matt and Bryce and their permit. That will be nice to have. My companions thought I was crazy when I told them about that. Cultures are really different from US.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Family History Frontier ~ August 20, 2016

Changes, changes, and... well more changes! :D

So this week has been pretty awesome. Not much work in the area, but we´ve gotten a lot of things done. 

To start off, there was an elder this week that got an appendicitis. We sent him to the clinic Tuesday and up to today he is still there recuperating. That was interesting trying to get all things worked out with the Area and the Medical Insurance and stuff to have the elder be able to have the surgery and be able to stay in the hospital for these days. But it all worked out! So it´s all good. :)
Nextly, as my title says, something big is coming. Or, has come I should say. That is, The Family History Frontier!! Yeahyah! That´s what I´m talking about! So in two zones of the mission, Paraíso and Recreo, President has assigned companionships of missionaries to dedicate on Family History work with the recent converts, less actives, and youth during the week instead of normal proselyting. President has assigned us five secretaries to do it in our ward while the sister missionaries focus on investigators and helping the members a little as well. So now from monday to friday we dedicate all our proselyting time to teaching how to do family history. It is so legit! When President shared that idea with us I felt a very strong impression that that is exactly what we need to do since the temple here is being constructed and we all need to be ready to carry out the work there. We are still organizing how we are going to do this in the most effective way, but nonetheless I am súper excited!

Third, I heard a little bit about Sabana Larga and how things are going there with the branch. And guess what?? The parents in the Jimenez family are going to be baptized in just a couple of weeks! The three sons I taught were all baptized a few months after I left and now the parents have just recently been married so they can be baptized. They all attend church and I am so very excited! It was a little tender mercy to be able to hear about that family this week.
Lastly, so as you will all note by the fotos, Us secretaries have some interesting red shirts and socks and stuff..... quien sabe? Yes, President made us an office soccer team! He got us the uniforms and everything! And the best part is that they all have our names on the backs and our numbers! I, of course, am number 2! The best of all time!.... And yes you may notice that my shirt doesn't have the team logo..... but oh well! We will get that fixed this week hopefully haha. Today we had a soccer game at 6:00 am in a field for 11 vs 11 again and this time with our jerseys. It was súper legit! ;) I scored a golazo! It was legit as well haha ;)
Well I think that is basically all this week! I started to draw Christ in my new sketch book. I love my new sketch book! Anyways, I am loving the mission. I love being able to work here with such great missionaries and to be able to see the daily blessings of the Lord in my life and in the lives of all those around me.

¡Paz fuera!

~Élder Tyler Hales~

Well I love you all! Have to go now!
See you love you bye!!!! I'm going to teach an english class now with Elder Hansen! in the church!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

So. Much. Poder! ~ August 13, 2016

What a fantastic week this week has been! Lots of things have happened and I hope I can remember them all…

First off, on Tuesday we did service at the LDS institute here in Barranquilla. It was so awesome! I will just mention too that the institute building here is probably the nicest church building they have here, even more than the chapels! It really surprised me! I felt like in Utah! Anyways, the service activity was really awesome. We basically just cleaned up around the building. Raking leaves (yes leaves fall in tropical areas too, not just in Utah), pulling weeds, and just cleaning up the yard. It really made me miss doing yard work at home. But oh well, hay que seguir! Haha. At the end I felt super accomplished and just happy. I hope to love yard work like that when I get home. J

Nextly, we had Leaders Conference with all the zone leaders and President and everyone. That went well. We were able to touch many points and needs of the mission.

Last, but not least, today we had a totally legit meeting with….. drum roll please….. ELDER RENLUND! Oh yeah! That´s right! All the zones from Cartagena, Santa Marta, and Barranquilla came to the training and we all got to shake his hand and meet his wife as well. It was so cool. Then Elder Renlund shared with us 3 things that he wanted each of us to always remember: 1. That an Apostle of the Lord came to tell us “Thank You” for our service in this apostolic work. 2. That we have each been called to this mission Colombia Barranquilla by prophecy from God and that when we feel that revelation for our own selves that we write it down and never forget it. 3. That President and Sister Gallego have been called to serve here by prophecy and that they love us. – Then Elder Renlund went on to teach us from three talks by Elder Bednar. Ask in Faith, Converted Unto the Lord, and Seek Learning by Faith. Something really neat that I learned was that a testimony is not an ultimate destination, but rather a point of departure or beginning. The ultimate destination is our pure conversion unto the Lord, and testimony is what we need to keep strengthening to be able to strengthen our conversion. Testimony in itself will not be enough when the dark storms and trials of life come to destroy us.

It was an awesome meeting. The Spirit was very strong. Oh! And I have been forgetting to say, but I have been practically the pianist for our ward now and I played today for the meeting with Elder Renlund! Practically on the spot! I was super embarrassed because I totally flubbed up the first song Carry On (A Vencer in Epañol). I felt really bad… But oh well! You can’t change the past! Only the future! J Even if you flub a hymn in a special meeting with an Apostle. Everything turned out alright.

Well, I love you all. Keep on keeping on! And remember to keep putting all your effort in all things you do! The Lord will bless you for them.


~Élder Tyler Hales~


That is amazing! Don't ever wash that hand again because we want to touch the hand that shook an apostle's!
Did you get your package?

Hahaha ooops, I think I already did..... he actually mentioned to us as well that right before he came here to Barranquilla he shook hands with Pres. Monson and so we had shooken a hand that shook the hand of the Prophet! haha.

Yup! I got my package!!! It got here on Thursday. But I believe that everything arrived. Did you not see the fotos I sent with my weekly letter? They are linked with Drive and I think they should be connected to the email.... But yes! I got it! I am so excited about the shaver!!!!! It is so legit!!!!! Oh and the Zebra pens!!!!! I refilled my red one and am using one of the purple ones. I got the charger for my ipod as well and actually at the moment am listening to it! :) But just a quick question did you guys send the corban garments or the usbs? If so well they didn't arrive, but if not it's ok don't worry. ;) I am trying to consecrate myself more haha. If you still want to send them that's fine. ;)
Ooooh! And the oil vile is totally legit! All my companions here in the office want one haha. They want my new ties as well.... i still haven't gifted a single tie as of now. i am kind of attached as you know. ;) Oh and that white shirt is legit! Oh and the one from Charlie! Very stylish ;) and it shows my muscles very well hahaha.
Love you so much! I have to go now. Take care everyone and tell everyone thank you for all the fun stuff in the package! I hope I have room to carry it all in my mission haha. ;) See you love you bye!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Transfers, Transfers, Transfers, y Cambios! ;) ~ August 6, 2016

Buenas tardes!

Transfers week! Wow! Already? Again? So I think the days are only like 5 hours long now instead of 24. I’m not exactly sure how, but really that’s what it feels like.

So this week was transfers week, aka craziest and fastest week of the universe for the office, and well sadly to say, it made me a little sad. This week all the new missionaries arrived on Tuesday and we had the whole introduccion presentation that we do as the secretaries and all that fun stuff. But with every group of new missionaries coming, another one leaves, and this week the legendarios left the mission…. L Yes the legendaries…. That means Elder Selman (the first assistant that I met that went with me in my first taxi in Barranquilla from the airport, from Tremonton), Elder Muir (Idaho), Elder Frost (Arizona), Elder Kletzli (the tall red head that was my first zone leader, Kaysville), Elder Miller (Assistant, friend of Brent Ray and John, from Roy), etc…. All of the powerful leaders. And 90% of the gringos. Que tristeza… (what sadness) It was sad to say goodbye to them. I tried to take pictures with all of them as they were leaving in the van to the airport. But the bright side is that I will be able to see the majority of them when I get home because almost all of them live super close! :D

Apart from that, this week my companions and I also had transfers, más o menos. We were changed areas. Now there are two sisters in our old area and the old area of the assistants. Now we and Elder Hansen and Elder Salinas share the area Modelo. We are in one half and they in the other. Yesterday we had our first opportunity to get out and work and Elder Pucha and I went and we contacted the whole time. Our area is more than anything big apartment buildings and really big rich houses. The people as far as we have seen don’t like us. But that is no reason to give up hopes! Elder Pucha and I actually found a more humble place near the borders of our area and we were able to contact a few people there. No one accepted a visit in the moment, but a lot said we could pass another day. So we will be giving a good follow up in that part of the area.

What else happened this week?... I think that is about it. Not much else. J I’m happy. We’re all happy.

Here’s a quote I would like to share.

"As you continually seek opportunities for learning and growth, you will increase your knowledge and testimony of the gospel. You will be strengthened in your desire always to choose good over evil and to accept responsibility for your choices. You will learn to nurture others and play a major part in building the kingdom of God through your righteous service beginning within your own family."

—Ardeth G. Kapp, "Together in Righteousness"

May we all keep learning all we can. Especially about the gospel. It is through the gospel that we will find success in all other things. Siempre vale la pena de hacer lo bueno. (It is always worth it to do what is good).

Well, I love you all! Keep on doing what is right, even if you stand alone!

Hasta lueguito!​


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Here are the photos. The one of the Civil War is for Matt and Bryce ;)
The one of the baptism is an investigator called Sister Lauris Meza. She was baptized last Saturday and I confirmed her the next day, Sunday. Elder Carreon was going to baptize her but then decided that it would be a good experience for another young man in the ward to do it.​

Well, The time has arrived again. 
I love you all so much! Remember that it is always worth it to do what is right! Even when we stand alone. 
Be of good cheer against opposition. 

Wow I loved that awesome quote and picture of the family history! That is so awesome! I wish we could do more family history here. Actually as of now I haven't done any here in the mission.... Not very many people have computers and it's difficult to be able to bring the people to the family history center which is in the stake center here. 
But that makes me so happy about everything else! Emma Jemma will do just great in 7th grade. Gracie Goo Goo will do well too in 5th. :) They are smart whipper snappers ;) 
Oh quick question! Elder Jorgensen gave you guys the bag of stuff I sent with him? It has my sd card that needs to be fixed and amiibos for Matt and Bryce and some super old letters I wrote at the beginning of the mission. I don't think I will be sending letters home here in the mission. It costs a ton. Like 30 dollars just to send a letter... 
Well I love you so much Mommoo. Thank you for all your help. Let's hope the package gets here soon. Elder Salinas (over the pacakges) said it should get here Monday or Tuesday.
Take care of the fam! Tell Matt that he needs to talk to Bryce. Bryce is feeling a bit lonely. 
Hasta lueguito!

For the Matt and Bryce