Monday, March 28, 2016

Staying Strong in Arjona~ March 28, 2016

The pic of the bbq sauce is of a quote that I liked haha ;)

Update: (and PS)

Yesterday Javier was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and he is still as strong as ever in the Gospel. Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting because we have conference this week and he bore his testimony again and it was awesome!
Kind of a sad thing though, I had heard that Easter was Conference Weekend again and so yesterday I had no idea that it was Easter until I arrived at church.... and even though they were celebrating holy week all week with fiestas and sweets. Like sweet cream things made from fruits like papaya, potatoes (not a fruit), mango, pineapple, etc. that you put on saltine crackers. Interesting, but flavorful!
Now for the update... are you prepared? I´m not haha! ;) So Elder Jorgensen our district leader just told me the transfers for me. So I´m staying HERE in Arjona!!! :D And I´m staying here as leader of the District! ¿QuĂ© loco is that? haha ;) Just kidding I´m excited and ready to serve the Lord in whatever calling he calls me to. I know it will be tough but I know that I have the Lord and my leaders to help me. About Elder Baque we still don´t know. But we all think that he will stay here with me still. We have to wait till tonight for "the call." Elder Jorgensen and his companion still stay here also. I hope Elder Baque does too.
So yeah there is the PS and Update :D Crazy huh? Well Love you all and ¡Ciao!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

P.S. I wanted to stay here! I love Arjona even though it´s super hot haha. And I want Elder Baque to stay here too because we are working super hard and the people are progressing so much!

P.P.S. It is so true. He really helps us in all aspects of our lives and I have really been seeing that here in the mission. I cant believe that already 7 months have past! Time is going so fast and we can´t do anything about it. But I am really loving the mission and really I am praying for you guys every day for all aspects of your lives. I love you so much mom and thank you for everything you do! I will talk to you next week then!!! Love you!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Miracle Baptism~ March 22, 2016

HOla! So I`m here now again on a Tuesday because there have been fiestas and the internet place was closed yesterday. :D


This Saturday we had two Baptisms scheduled. One for a boy, Juan Sebastian, who is 8 that we have been teaching that was going to be baptized for the ward and the other for Javier Marrugo our investigator. So Elder Baque and I went to fill the font and we started to fill it and everything was going so smoothly. Then as we were watching the font fill we started to talk about how as missionaries we can`t swim and enter water and stuff and the reasons as to why we can`t. Then I brought up the reason that Satan has control of the waters and then like right after the water just stopped. So for the next few hours we were trying and trying to figure out why the water stopped because in the rest of the church there was water still working like in the boys bathroom and stuff.

The people arrived for the first baptism of the boy and we waited for like 3 hours trying to figure out what was wrong with the Bishop and other members. Then arrived the time for the other baptism and we had already called Javier and the family of his girlfriend (family of the second counselor of the stake) to tell them that we probably wouldn`t be doing the baptism. Then we started to do everything we could because the wife of the second counselor was determined to have this baptism. So we started to fill up buckets in the bathroom and throw the water in the font to fill it. Then the water in the bathroom ran out... And the water in the font was only like about almost 2 feet high... BUT we decided to do the baptism anyways. We called President and he said we could do the ordinance standing and then slowly lower Javier in the water until he was laying down on the ground and completely covered by water! And I was the one that was going to be baptizing him so I was a bit nervous haha. So what happened is the first time I baptized him the very front tip part of his forehead was out of the water and so we did it again. And I was full blown nervous by the time of the baptism just so you all know haha. (that`s why I was sweaty for the foto). Anyways, finally we were able to do it and it was a great experience. And stressful. But we did it. And the Baptism ended just before nine so we could get home in time haha. And yes, that is my crazy awesome adventures of this week!

I love you all and will keep praying for you. Keep doing what is right! ¡Ciao!

¡Paz fuera!


~Elder Tyler Hales~

My toe is fine. I`m doing great too. Well actually lately I haven`t been having too great of an appetite but oh well. Rice is actually starting to get a little old.... which makes me sad because I love rice.

Well I will pray that Ted will win because yeah the other way around wouldn`t be good. Funny thing - I totally thought the elections were this last November... :P ha! I`m really out of the loop.
We actually got a teeny bit of rain in the night the other day but never during the day when we need it... because it is still really REALLY hot and we are dying here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Desires of Your Heart ~ March 15, 2016

Hola I´m here now! :D Yesterday the power was out here all day in Arjona so we couldn´t get on.

Wow. yeah it´s been hot... and hot.... and well, hot here haha ;) But really we need the rain here soooooo bad. Sometimes it looks like it is going to rain but it hasn´t and it has been so "dry" and hot here this past year so the people really need the rain and that made me excited in your letter that you said it´s supposed to rain this week!
There is a catholic church in the central plaza near us and the church. That area is called the Plaza. The chapel here is nice. No carpet but it has air conditioning so that is VERY nice. ;) I live just down from the plaza and the church. I don´t know what the road is called and I don´t know the direction because there practically are none here in Arjona. It´s just "the pink house in front of the mango tree across from the store that sells motorcycle parts" or something like that. :)
But our house is the road on the back side of the catholic church, going down to the south, I believe, just below a store with backpacks and sandals and stuff. It´s an apartment and we live on the main/bottom floor but there are two floors. 

Regarding extra water for emergencies: Yeah we have a big bucket of water on the little patio thing we have. Only problem is keeping it clean and free from mosquito babies haha. But yeah, we have talked with President and the Secretary of the houses and they are doing all they can.

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Let's Go There! ~ March 7, 2016


Wow this week has been just awesome if I don´t say so myself! Really working here with Elder Baque has been so legit. His commitment to this work is so strong and his conviction of the things we teach are amazing!

We have been working with a few families that are really poderosas (powerfuls). They have been so receptive and have been understanding and committing to fulfill the commitments and everything! One of the families is called the family Perez Cuenta, and one of the sisters there is really great. Her name is Yurleidis and she has now attended church 2 times and is reading the Book of Mormon and the pamphlets and asking us questions from the things she has learned! Right now we are working with her respecting marriage because she is living with her pair (what´s the word?) but they aren´t married. But she and her pair have committed to get married! We are working so she can be baptized the 2nd of April.
There´s another family that´s in a similar situation where the sister needs to get married but she also has been attending church! Her name is Gladys. Her mom is a less active and we have been teaching her and her family. This last Monday though we had a family night with them and with Bro and Sis Arias and it was so powerful! We also met the sister of Gladys and she (yesterday) told us that she has been pondering about this church and the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more and progress and everything! She told us that a few years ago she was really sick and then her nephew (member of the church) told her that he had the members in the church pray for her and then he shared a powerful scripture from the Book of Mormon with her and that she felt so much peace after that and was able to recover!
Now here is the part that I am most animated about. Yesterday in church there was an investigator named Javier who has attended church and been listening to the missionaries for about 14 months. He is 19 years old and in this time of listening to the missionaries and everything he has really wanted to join the church but has had a doubt because his mom is afraid that if he gets baptized that he´ll go on a mission. So for that he hasn´t been baptized yet. But then yesterday in fast and testimony meeting, surprisingly he just went up front and bore his testimony! And oh was it poderoso! Later I sat with him in Elder´s quorum and we talked about managing money in that class and he mentioned to me about how he can pay his tithing! Oh! Can you see how legitly awesome he is? ;) Then after church we met with him and had a mini lesson where he shared with us that during the sacrament he was pondering about the baptism and why he hasn´t committed to get baptized. Then he said a feeling of immense peace came to him and a thought that why not be baptized and what was he waiting for?. He told us that he wants to get baptized and will be getting baptized this next week Saturday! The 19th! The Spirit was so strong in that moment and we testified to him that this was the right moment to follow his prompting.
This week was really so, but so, spiritually invigorating! I am loving this work more and more and am seeing more the fruits of our labors here in Arjona.
Well that is all for this week. Oh also we went to Cartagena today to the famous parts there in the old city and the murallas (spelling?). And we also saw the ocean again and some other sites and big boats and a yacht thing! I´ll try to send pictures real quick.
Love you all! May the Spirit be with you... Always.
¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

New Companionship Training ~ February 29, 2016

Trainer- Searching a new area ~ February 22, 2016

Did you get to go to the Temple Ground breaking?
No. We got to watch it though and it was great! We watched it in a church here in Turbaco another city in between Arjona and Cartagena.

Well I love you so much mommoo! I am really sorry this past like month and a half have been so crazy with writing and every thing. This next week I am really Really hoping it will be more calm and tranquilo.
Thank you for everything! If you want to send music if you could convert it to mp3 first that would be awesome ;) Also there is a cool song by David Archuleta called When the Son of Man Comes and its awesome.

(cue Star Wars music) Da na na naaah naah na na na naaaah naah na na na naaah na.... ok yeah no mas.

Well, wow, a whole lot has happened in these past two weeks and I have no idea what to write haha! Well just now I have been trying to attach pictures but my usb isn´t working in this computer so sorry, probably no pictures until next week.
So this week has been interesting. So first, my companion has had an immense pain in his shoulder in the joint and can hardly move it so he went to Cartagena and Barranquilla to have tests and the doctors said he needed a surgery. then we talked with Sister Searle and she said that the doctors here in Colombia are a little surgery crazy and so she sent the mri scans to Salt Lake to see what the missionary department said. They said he doesn´t need surgery but will be in alot of pain for the next 4 to 6 weeks. So we have been talking about what we want to do with President and President said that Elder Moreno could go home and rest until it´s better or continue in the mission with the pain until it´s better. We´ll see what happens this week.
This last Tuesday I was with Elder Cuellar from Brasil in his area of Arjona because Elder Jorgensen and Elder Moreno went to the clinic in Cartagena. Anyways, we visited a couple from Mexico and they are awesome!! They fed us quesodillas and I also tried water of Jamaica for the first time!! And I LOVED it! It´s a type of flower that they make a juice from and it´s really good.If I remember right Matt and Bryce said it was just alright or something like that. ;) We are eating with the first counselor in the bishopric for lunch every day and him and his wife cook sooooo good! They also give us new types of juices every day which are so delicious!!
So this week we have been working hard in trying to find new people and in trying to find the less actives and recent converts because there are many. Our goal has been to help the converts and less actives to attend church because not very many are. Anyways, something cool I have seen this week has been as I have been training Elder Moreno. I am really grateful for the privilege God has given me to participate in this calling as a missionary. I have learned so much myself as I have been teaching my son. One of the things is diligence. Diligence in working even though things are tough. Even though we may be beaten down and feeling very tired (lack of English words to describe being really tired haha) we must serve. I was reading the talk from President Eyring from this conference about how God is always with us in our callings, responsibilities, and duties. It is so true. I have never needed to go to my Father in fervent prayer more than ever before to find the strength to continue on in this work. God really does qualify us for this work that he has called us to,

Today we went to Cartagena with the zone leaders Elder Orozco from Bountiful and Elder Salinas from Mexico. it was pretty fun and cool. We wanted to go to the mall but ended up not because of time. But we got to see the ocean and a couple of cool church buildings and things and also an old castle ruins thing they have there! It was pretty legit! I didn´t get pictures of the castle though... we only drove by it.
Well I love you all so much! Remember that if you ever have questions or your non member friends have questions. "Ask the missionaries! They can help you!" ;)
¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~

Transferred to Arjona ~ February 15, 2016

President and Sister Searle with Elder Cook at the groundbreaking for the Barranquilla Temple

Hi Mommoo, sorry I probably won`t have time to write to all the family so I will write to you for all of them.
Well, yeah I got transferred... But I`m here in Arjona ready to work hard! It has been a bit hard but that is how the mission is. But as always I am trying my best. Concerning your questions so I don`t forget: we don`t have a 72 hour kit, but we have emergency money. If something were to happen I think that well, the Lord would protect us and that the mission would be able to help. But it is true that we must always be ready and prepared for those emergencies. I will be thinking and planning for that this week.
Mommoo really thank you for everything. I will be praying that all will go well with Grandma and Grandpa. And also for you guys. It is in times like these that, like you said, make us reflect in how we can be better prepared. It is important to be physically prepared as it is to be spiritually prepared. Satan is always attacking and trying to discourage us and make us feel worried, but we must remember our divine origin and potential. We must fight as Alma against Amlici fought for the protection of the things that are good in the sight of God. (Alma 2)
Well, I love you so much Mom. Thank you for everything!

¡¡¡¡HOLA!!!! A TODOS

Well... they took me. They took me out of the beloved Sabana Larga, or in other words, Long Sheet. I will miss it oh so very much. But more especially the people that are there. I will miss the members and the people we taught, especially the family Jimenez. While I was leaving I called them to tell them bye and everything. Actually, crazy story about how I came to be transferred:
So this last Tuesday Elder Aguirre and I were studying as a companionship all normal and everything, not expecting anything because we were shut in the house, when suddenly Elder Kletzli (leader of zone) called us and told us that I needed to pack and leave that instant. Also, that I would be going to be training a new missionary and opening an area. Crazy huh? So I flew and packed my stuff and we were out of the house in like 20 minutes! Crazy fast! I was impressed with myself haha ;) Anyways, so we arrived in Galapa and I said bye to my companion and then left with Elder Kletzli and Elder Moreno (another missionary going to finish his mission next month) to Barranquilla. We arrived and had a grand welcome by the Assistants Elder Selman and Elder Miller and Elder Cardenas and with a grand lunch. Come to find out, I had missed all of the training for the trainers from the Assistants and President that morning. :P And come to find out also, that I was supposed to be told I would be going to Barranquilla on Monday night. So yeah, apparently the leaders of the zone didn`t receive the transfers on Monday so they didn`t know. So we ate lunch and then had a meeting for the new missionaries and the part when they tell us who are companions are. My new companion, or son I should say, is Elder Moreno from Bolivia!!! He is a bit taller than me and I am sorry I don`t have pictures this week of us. Also, he is not here right now. He went to Cartagena to the clinic because he has a really bad grinding pain in his shoulder. Then tomorrow he has to go to Barranquilla tomorrow to have an MRI of his shoulder... So I`m here with another elder from Brasil. Anyways, my new area is here in Arjona in Cartagena where it is the hottest in all of the mission. It`s like 40 degrees Celsius. I don`t know what that would be in F, but I know it`s hotter than 100 haha. OH it is SO hot here! It has been a pretty hard change too because well I`m opening an area and I have to find where all of the members live and investigators and everything. It`s crazy, but awesome! Arjona is a little pueblo city like Sabana Larga mas o menos, but is more wealthy.
Yesterday at church was legit! We had ward conference (I forgot to mention that they have a nice chapel here in Arjona with a piano and everything! well a keyboard, but practically the same) and guess who came? President and Hermana Searle!!!!! Oh I was so happy to see them here! President talked about how wonderful the city of Arjona is and the importance of strengthening the ward so there can be more people joining the church and more less actives attending. He then mentioned that we can see that the church is really growing because there are 4 gringos here in arjona, him his wife and me and Elder Jorgenson from Willard, Ut. 10% of the gringos in all the mission Barranquilla haha. It has really been neat working with the members here and knowing the area and the people.
So yeah, that is my story for this week! Oh and also I saw a sloth the other day. That was interesting. But I really know that this church is not a US church, it`s not a church for gringos, it`s the church for the world. And the time has arrived for the world to receive it!
I love you all! Keep on keeping on!

¡Paz fuera!

~Elder Tyler Hales~