Saturday, December 24, 2016

Baptism and Christmas Eve ~ December 24, 2016

And... Worn out shoes!

Hi mommoo I'm here finallly..... sorry we had a little inconvenience but now I'm here writing with one hand because I'm eating a burger in the other haha ;)

We have a Christmas dinner with the stake president's parents at 6 after the baptism so I probably should not have eaten right now. (2:00 p.m.)

Haha I know right!? Doesn't feel like Christmas Eve at all! First of all we played soccer in the morning with President Gallego and the members from the stake at 6:00 am in the 11 vs 11 field like we do every Saturday. Then we all cleaned the house and then we had to go shopping because last week we couldn't buy gifts for our secret friends here. I have Elder Troche and I got him an Ewok keychain hahaha. And now we are getting ready for a baptism and so forth. So many things to do today. Actually I will probably have to leave at like 3:30 to go to the church because I will be baptizing the son of Felipe (the guy with the catheter) named Didier. So yeah..... I'm so sorry for not being able to write very much today. But it's ok because mañana we will be talking face to face for an hour! :D Yay!

I will be thinking about those questions then. Um.... I'm not sure if there is really anything or questions I have for you guys..... Um..... I just want to see the kitties too with the fam hahahaha ;) ;) I don't know, probably just to see how you all are doing and how things are going with school, work, etc. the home. Everyone and their married lives.... But seriously how have sooooooo many people gotten married in the past year and a little??? I just can't believe my little Colton The-is got married. ;)

Oh Elder Argyle haha, no I just took him with me to a doctors appointment with another missionary because if I left him he would have been alone in the office and there was a companionship of sisters.... and that just doesn't, and can't, happen in the mission. All of the other secretaries had left so I took him with me. I got to know him a bit. He said he's really good friends with Becca Bubbles and he said that Becca had left on her mission and then returned home... :( I had no idea. But yeah it was good to get to know him.

Ok, so tomorrow, at 5:00 it is right? 5 pm. I'm hoping there is internet here in the office because all this week we have been having problems.... It should be fine though. Um lets see here.

Oh! Another thing. So the digital camera has been having problems with the lens. And well this last week with the Christmas activities it officially doesn't work kind of. The lens doesn't come out on its own and it makes a grinding sound as it tries. To get it to go out I have to attach like tape on front to softly help it out as I turn it on. Also now it doesn't zoom..... I'm not sure what to do. That has partially been the reason why I haven't been sending fotos. OVer this time here in the office the lens has been getting gradually worse until now it doesn't even open.... What should I do?

Another thing. My Ecco shoes. So one of the shoes one day after walking I got in the house and looked at the bottom ( this was like 3-4 months ago) There was a HUGE hole in the bottom back heel part that appeared out of the nowhere. Seriously I think I must have stepped on a chunk of glass or something that sliced a chunk out of my shoe. So I was wondering if that qualifies for the guarantee thingie or not. I still use them and now the hole is getting lightly bigger. But seriously it just appeared out of the nowhere.

I think that's it. Um.... what else? Ah. About the package. Don't worry that it's late haha. I'm ok. I'm not too worried like a lot of missionaries are here. They call us everyday asking and asking and asking and sometimes yelling at us so they can get their package before Christmas! It's kind of crazy here in the office sometimes haha. ;) I can't remember anything else I need right now in the package. Hmmm. I'm sure I'll remember something and will have to tell you tomorrow or something haha.

Well I love you so much!!! Merry Christmas and say hi to everyone! See you tomorrow!!! :D


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Well got to go now to the baptism! Love you so much! Say hi to everyone and that I love them too! Talk to you tomorrow! See you, Love you, Bye! :D

OH thank you Mommoo! I will try it out.
And thanks with the baptism. I will try that with the camera too. Yeah it's kind of oldish now.
The size that it says on the shoe on the bottom is 43. Not sure in American terms what it would be. but, oh well.

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