Saturday, December 17, 2016

One More Week Until Christmas ~ December 17, 2016

One week till Christmas!! :D Wow, mind blown.

So this week has been pretty great. It was actually totally legit because on Wednesday we had the Christmas activity for the zones here in Barranquilla. There are about 80 90 ish missionaries here in these three zones. For the activity first we all took fotos with Santa hats with all the missionaries. Then there was a devotional by President and his family and it was super awesome. President Gallego talked about Joseph Smith, and shared some snippits of stories he had in his life and really what great of man and prophet he was. He then shared with us that when we testify of Joseph Smith, we must really shared what we KNOW to be true and not only say it to say it. It was really cool. After the devotional we had some sweet games that President organized from Minute to Win it. Haha it was so funny and awesome. My team unfortunately lost fairly quickly.... :/ But oh well it was still fun to watch haha. After the games we had a big lunch that kind of turned out.... well not as planned let's say. But the good thing is that it's only the people that organize those things, like us with President and Sister Gallego, that notice those details. ;) After the lunch we then had the Grand Show of Talents! Oh it was super funny! So all the districts in the zones had to make up a little skit or talent show and present it in 10 to 12 minutes. There were so many funny ones, but for time I can't describe them all. But... our show was totally legit!! ;) But seriously, we put a ton of planning into it all this last week. Our show was like a news program showing all the notices and going-ons of the mission. Every secretary did a part dealing with their responsibilities. I, acting as Doctor Hales, talked about the unusual rise of pacients with appendicitis (since we have had 5 missionaries in the past 4 months with it). But the man of the show was Elder Matos. He is so funny especially when acting and imitating people because he can do it so well! He was also the announcer for the whole talent show thing. He had a sweet bowtie on and honestly it was hilarious! When President gives us the fotos and videos of the show I will have to send them to you because it was so fun!

Now the best part is that we still have two more of these activities! On monday we are traveling to Cartagena to have the activity there on Tuesday with the zones there, and then on Thursday we have the activity in Santa Marta! It will be totally legit! With a new and improved news report! ;) Haha, President told us to add three more new notices in the show so we will be doing that in these days.

Apart from that, well we had a Grill party at President's house with the district and the assistants. Elder Pucha, being a pro chef cooked us all some beef, sausage, corn cobs, pork, and potatoes on the new grill we bought for the mission! It was sweet. And it's for that reason that I was late to writing today. But yeah, that's about it this week. I will keep you updated on this next week! Love you see you bye!


~Élder Tyler Hales~


Secretario de Salud

Misión Colombia Barranquilla

Wow, there sure is a lot going on. My mind is running like a thousand miles per hour here. haha ;) So this next week is Christmas! So we still have the call at 5:00 pm here time 3:00 pm there time right? Just so I can program it firmly so my companions can't take my spot haha ;) No, we have to share the camera here in the office so we have to let everyone know the schedule.

Haha I love the pics of the concert! Wow the girlies are sure getting really big! I can't believe it! Emma is so tall now! Gracie is about the same ;) haha just kidding. I'm excited to be able to see you guys on Christmas. Haha actually yeah that was neat seeing that family yesterday. ONe of the sons had served in our ward a couple of years ago.

That makes me super happy for Colton. He's a stud. I miss him too. Is he going to be moving??

About Will's family I will still be praying for them. Last week I wrote Will, but he hasn't responded yet. I really miss and love that kid and just reading your letter was making me cry. His family is such a good family. Tell them that I love them so much!

Ok, so about the 25 day service thing. Honestly in these past few days I haven't been very good at fulfilling.... :/ I feel really bad. I need to repent and get on it because yeah, I just need to! I will tell you about some of the activities we have been able to do for this next week ok? Tell Pops good luck! I know he will do great! I know how he feels (a tiny bit) because I still get nervous when I have to teach in District meetings or in the meetings with all the new missionaries and the trainers, and in leadership councils.

Well I'm gonna try and write the rest of the yahoos real quick here. Love you bye!

Light the World Experiences:

On the 5th of December, decide to pray every day for dear ones, learn how you or a dear one can benefit from a priesthood blessing,. 7th, learn how to satisfy spiritual hunger by reading John 6:35, 8th, ask the Lord how you can be the answer to the prayers of another person, Think of a friend that is passing for some difficulties and pray for them, 13th learn how to laugh about yourself, think about the successes of another person today, share an experience when you have been mistaken,17th, don't forget to get in touch with your Mom! ;) Well these are just some small things that I have been able to do and they aren't all but what I can remember right now. Too bad I can't call you today! ;) Next week! :D​

Haha I haven't gained anything! I'm sure trying though! In the package, you should send a multivitamin or protein mix or something I don't know so I can you know, get a little bigger. ;)

Oh another thing.... I am not sure, but I heard that there is a way to pay Colombia customs before even sending pacakges and such so that they just arrive at the office instead of them sitting in customs for weeks and us having to pay an extra fee. Maybe that would be something good to look in...

Thanks for everything ! I will be writing Saturday and then calling Sunday! See you love you bye!

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